Don't let healthy food punish you

Healthy food shouldn't feel like a punishment.

Yet, so often it tastes like one!

Why does healthy equal boring?

Plain chicken with steamed broccoli...

Raw cauliflower dipped in air...

Plain brown rice, hold the salt...

It doesn't have to be that way!

  • Open your spice cabinet
  • Put garlic on everything
  • Grab the pink Himalayan salt
  • Squeeze lemon over the top
  • Grab some fresh herbs to finish

All of these enhance flavor while also enhancing health! It doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming, just delicious😉.

To learn more about how to cook healthy at home, check out the No-Diet Diet Club!

If you are in St Louis, click here to see about having your healthy meals delivered from our delicious kitchen!


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