Here's how you know if you are ready to graduate from cooking to meal prepping...

Here's how you know if you are ready to graduate from cooking to meal prepping...

-You know how to cook and cook a few days a week or more
-You only cook one meal at a time
-You rarely have leftovers
-Mornings are hectic and you are usually scrambling to figure out what lunch will be
-You grocery shop multiple times a week
-You find yourself throwing food out all the time
-You can't seem to it what you buy, but you never seem to have enough food when it comes time to cook
-You are busy and stressed, and wish you had more time
-You have heard that cooking at home will save you money, but it doesn't seem to work for you

If you are here, it is time to try meal prepping!!

No, meal prepping doesn't mean you have to give up your weekend to stand on your feet all day in the kitchen.

It can be fast, simple, easy.

Easier than you ever thought possible.

I want to show you exactly how.

Join me in The Meal Prep Course and let's do this together! ...

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Meal prepping really doesn't have to be miserable!!

Meal prepping usually means spending your weekend planning to cook, and taking a full day out to cook and box all your meals.

Sounds exhausting, right?

It is.

A client of mine was meal prepping each weekend and spending 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday, so she could have healthy meals for the week.

Unsurprisingly, she hates giving up her weekend to the process...

Not only was she tired, but she HATED it.

I do not want you to meal prep!

In the traditional sense, that is.

I want you to meal prep the way I teach it:

-Streamlined planning
-Still have your weekend
-Fridge stocked with ready to eat meals
-No cooking, shopping or cleaning during the week
-30% savings on food costs (how about an extra $3,000 a year?!)

Meal prepping really doesn't have to be miserable!!

It can be fun and simple and easy.

You need proper planning, a few hours of blocked time and the confidence that the process doesn't have to be awful.

I would love to help you!

You can check out my Meal Prep Course here! 

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Green Smoothie Recipe

What do I even put in a green smoothie?

Any smoothie can be green if you simply add a little spinach, which does not affect taste. Smoothies are an amazing way to get your daily nutrients and promote weight loss! 

I recommend trying one of my favorite green smoothie recipes:
1/4 zucchini
1 cup spinach
1/4 avocado
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup water and ice

Blend and enjoy!

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