It's time to take your health back!

When I was getting my nutrition degree, I was sucked into a common belief: that American's health is failing not by choice, but by force.

This attitude bleeds into our culture and tells everyone "You can play the blame game, too".

I spent many years being angry at fast food, being angry at big AG, being angry with the food companies hiring chemists to manufacture foods that could hijack our taste buds.

How could they do this to unsuspecting, innocent American's and steal their health?

I felt powerless. I imagine you have felt this way, too.
There is nothing I can do to save our health.
But then I began to realize, my health is in my hands.
Your health is in your hands.

America's health does not lie with big AG or in a factory farm. It lies with each individual American.

YOU are the only one with the power to get healthier or sicker.

And that is not me BLAMING you, that is me EMPOWERING you.

You have a choice; and there are actually quite a few out there.

If you're busy, low on cash,...

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What are you willing to do to get what you want in life?

What are you willing to do to get what you want in life?

- Weight loss
- More time with your family
- More money for vacations

Will you invest in yourself, or put it off?

Will you take time to learn something new, or say you just can't right now?

I challenge you to take a big step today and something that scares you.

Take the time, spend the money, do the thing that feels uncomfortable.

On the other side is everything you want...

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