A lot of times the thought of change can be paralyzing...

A lot of times the thought of change can be paralyzing...

So many things that could NOT go right...

Often times that thinking leaves us paralyzed.

BUT....what are you missing out on by not taking action?

Where is your life sitting still?

I see this with health all the time.

My clients are scared to get the tools they need to help them move forward because they're worried about what could go wrong, instead of focusing what could go right!

So, when you give yourself the tools you need what do you think could go right?

Here are all the things I see go right for my clients:

~ You learn something new
~ You have fun
~ You get your family involved in learning a new skill
~ You lose weight
~ You have a healthy lunch ready to go for you
~ You start saving money because you invested in yourself!
~ You have a few extra hours in the evenings you didn't have before

Let's find out what could go right for you when you invest in yourself!

There are 6 spots left at the $47 price!

Click here to clai...

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Stick to your diet effortlessly

Diets don't work...
Unless you have a plan.
If you want to overhaul how you eat, you're going to need to put some planning in.

When I was in my size 8 pants, I would wake up and think "today will be different," but it wasn't because my fridge was the same, my pantry was the same, my habits had not shifted at all.

To lose the weight, to make a dietary change, you have to plan for it.

What foods will you be eating?
How are you going to get them on your table?
What is for lunch?
What is for dinner?
What are you snacking on?

You need to know this before saying "I am going to make a change,"" will actually result in a change.

I can help you do this, just like I have helped so many others do this.

Take it from Denise who has been able to effortlessly stick to keto since she took The Meal Prep Course.

"Since taking the course, sticking to keto has been so easy for me. I am losing weight and keeping it off." - Denise, Life Coach

I would love to help you do this work inside The Meal Prep Cou...

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The $1,000 course going for $47

The $1,000 course going for $47

I developed The Meal Prep Course with the thought in mind that if someone were to ask me to teach them these things in person, I would charge at least $1,000.

$1,000 because the result my client would walk away with would give them that back over and over each year for the rest of their life.

Because this info is so valuable, I wanted to make it easily accessible to all, I put it in a course. And I still thought “the value of this go at your own pace course is easily worth $1,000”.

When you take what's in The Meal Prep Course and implement it in your life, you can save thousands of dollars a year on wasted food.

  • You can give yourself 2 weeks worth of time back
  • You can spend your lunch breaks relaxing instead of stressed
  • You can have evenings in the backyard with your kids instead of
    working in the kitchen while everyone else has fun
  • You can have health for life.
  • You can decide you want to make a major dietary change and then DO IT! And never look ba
  • ...
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What are you willing to do to get what you want in life?

What are you willing to do to get what you want in life?

- Weight loss
- More time with your family
- More money for vacations

Will you invest in yourself, or put it off?

Will you take time to learn something new, or say you just can't right now?

I challenge you to take a big step today and something that scares you.

Take the time, spend the money, do the thing that feels uncomfortable.

On the other side is everything you want...

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A little practice goes a long way!

A month ago I was completely out of running shape. I could barely make it five minutes.

Yesterday, I ran two hilly miles in 14mins and I wasn’t even that winded.

That’s what a little practice will do.

What are you practicing every day?

Are you learning how to be better? How to live better? Practicing creating more time in your life? Practicing creating more money?

You can have all of that and it doesn’t have to cost you a lot of time or money.

If you can get organized in just one area of your life everything else will fall into place.

For my clients, that is organizing their food each week.

Cecily is getting 6+ hours back every week.  Ryan is saving 30% on food costs each week. Denise is sticking to her keto diet and losing weight consistently.

A little practice goes a long way!

Join The Meal Prep Course and start practicing the best thing you can do for your health and start having all these incredible things start showing up in your life!

Sign up at here! 

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Join the Meal Prep Movement

When I speak with people who have set many goals and not achieved them, there is a lot of frustration.

Self blame, guilt, resentment. It's not a fun place to be.

I have been there. My clients have been there.

Want to reach your goals?

Lose weight, gain health, be able to chase your kids, be sexy for your spouse, look good for bikini season, have more energy- it can all be achieved if you empower yourself to take control of what is going in your mouth.

Meal prepping is that control and I can show you how to get I done quickly, in a way that puts money back in your pocket and is relaxing and fun.

Join me for the movement.

The movement that is going to get you living a better life and change the face of American health as we know it.

The Meal Prep Course is it.

So far, the students who have gone through it are seeing changes in their life so dramatic, they are calling the course "priceless".

There is no reason to wait....
Sign up here now!

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Protein Packed Chia Pudding Recipe

This is a fantastic recipe when you are prepping for the week!

Protein Packed Chia Pudding:
Makes 4 servings

1 cup milled flax and chia mixed
1.5 cup water (or milk of choice)
4 T cottage cheese
4 T collagen powder
Handful: Berries of choice, nuts of choice
4 T honey

Mix the chia and flax with water, cottage cheese, and collagen. Stir well and divvy out into four separate containers.
Top evenly with berries, nuts and honey.
Prep and pop in the fridge for easy breakfasts and snacks throughout the week.

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What's in Your Pantry?

Lots of food faces going on in my new weekly segment “What’s in your pantry?” With Rene Knott of KSDK news!

Every Monday at 5am and 6am (record it, only Rene is up that early during quarantine 🤣) we share awesome recipes using items you already have in your pantry (hello, fewer trips to the store!)!

It’s fun and funny mostly because Rene is hilarious and I make faces like this! See you on channel 5 on Monday!


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Cravings, Cravings and More Cravings!

When I decided I wanted to lose 10lbs in January, I had no idea I was going to learn so much about cravings and where they come from.

Turns out, cravings were what was preventing me from living at my ideal weight! Cravings and emotional eating are what prevent most of us from reaching our weight goals.

It's now my mission to help others learn how to manage cravings, so they can get to their goal weight. 

I'm now working on offering a class that is going to be incredibly helpful and give you all the tools I didn't have when I got started with my weight goal. I can't wait to see you there!

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What do you want to be on the other side of this?

There's an easy way out.....hide in front of the TV, on social media. But when this is over, because it will end...

How will you be better for it?
Will you have grown?
Become better because of this challenge?

There are so many ways to use this challenge to your advantage! To use this time wisely (and that doesn't mean you can't watch Netflix!).

How can you use this time to become better, learn something new, create something awesome?!

There are so many ways!

  • learn a new skill you've always been interested in
  • read that book that's been sitting on your shelf for months 
  • draw, paint, create
  • write - a poem, a short story, a journal entry, your goals, your desires, your manifestations
  • get in the kitchen and have fun cooking creatively!
  • Focus on your fitness - yoga, running/walking, online workout videos
  • daydream, see where your thoughts go when you let your thoughts flow freely without direction

The opportunities are endless during this time of self exploration. Enjoy ...

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