8. How to Love Losing Weight

“This program is so amazing. I’ve never enjoyed releasing weight until your program! It’s been the easiest thing i’ve ever done regarding having power over food and my weight! And my life!” The fact that weight loss is an activity you can ENJOY is something I had thought about, but didn’t really internalize until this message. When you are supported with the right tools, when you understand what is happening in your brain that is causing you to eat, when you feel in control, when you get to decide how you want to feel in your body as opposed to someone telling you you cant eat these things…weight loss is fun. Weight loss is enjoyable! And it should be! Getting to feel good in your body…. Sticking to the foods you said you were going to eat… SEEING THE SCALE GO DOWN CONSISTENTLY! That is freaking fun and enjoyable! It’s also 100% possible when you have the right tools, the right support and you know exactly what you need to do. BUT We think of weight loss as something miserable. We want to do it so we can have the health we want, the body we want or some mental peace, but the process of cutting out foods you like, prepping meals, saying no to treats, weighing in, it all sucks. Unless it doesn’t… One of my clients recently sent me a message telling me how much she is enjoying losing weight. You can enjoy this process, you just haven’t been taught how… “This program is so amazing. I’ve never enjoyed releasing weight until your program! It’s been the easiest thing i’ve ever done regarding having power over food and my weight! And my life!” This is the message I got from my clients. She has dropped something like 70lbs in 6m working with me. Diets make weight loss miserable because: They don’t teach you the skills to feel in control of your what is going in your mouth They teach you to use willpower They teach you to ignore your body You don’t get to make your own choice about what you eat You are eating foods that someone else decided you to eat Ignore your body and your wishes, eat these things! They don’t teach you to overcome anything in your brain that is holding you back Cravings Stepping on the scale Social settings Lack of motivation Weight loss can be enjoyable. Think about it: if you are losing weight choosing what you want to eat, not being told what to eat, having indulgences in a way that feels really good for you (not overdoing it, enjoying them, feeling good in your body), you feel 100% in control of what is going in your mouth and you are watching the scale go down, youre shopping for new clothes…what would not be fun about that? But it doesn’t have to be that way when you have the right tools that actually make sense.

I'm Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist, Weight Loss Expert and your host of Weight Loss Without Dieting.

If you are interested in working with me, I recommend you join my Waitlist and be the first to know when spots open: bit.ly/callwaitlist 


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