11. What To Do When You Gain Weight

We often have a “reaction” response to the scale going up: we react with an extreme diet, restriction, deprivation, skipping events ... .we give ourselves a lot of actions to complete what we are eating. What this doesn’t do is take the brain into account….when we focus on actions and not our brain that is causing us to take those actions we often find that we can’t complete the actions, our desire for food grows stronger and what is accomplished is a lot of effort and no results that we actually want What you are missing is the focus on your brain. When you see the scale go up there are a few very specific things I teach my clients to do that I am going to teach you to do today. What you think is the problem: You see the scale go up and panic There is no assessment of why, just judgment You react with an extreme diet, beating yourself up mentally All of this leads to no weight loss, no rebound and no growth, you don’t learn anything and you likely just increased your desire for food. It contributes to this restrict/binge cycle so many people get stuck in What you think is the solution: Restriction: why doesn’t work Brain is not on board Swinging the pendulum gets an equal swing in the opposite direction Skipping events; why doesn’t work Its not the event, its your brain- how you’re thinking about the even Editing your actions: cutting out foods, going to the gym for a long time Doesn’t last because those actions are coming from your thought patterns and if you don’t address your thoughts, you cannot affect permanent change to actions The actual problem: There is a reason the scale went up, when you react you don’t identify that, there is no room for growth. You are reacting so you are keeping this pendulum swinging wildly from one extreme to the next: extreme overeating and extreme restriction. I want you and all of my clients to get to this place where there is no “reacting” to the scale going up, you simply evaluate and move on What you need to do: Identify why: not just that you ate bad this weekend, why did you eat that way, what were you thinking and feeling that led to that? Were you in frustration because you pu tin effort last week and nothing happened? Name other weekend scenarios What worked, what didn’t work, what will you do differently net time? The most simple thing you can do today: make a plan for what you will eat. Not a reactionary plan, a real one. Hold yourself accountable, wait to eat until you are hungry- i teach my clients to use their bodies natural meters…we have built in homeostasis and we need to tap in and use it If you want to work with me, book your eye opening call with me to see what has been going on for you…this is time that is dedicated solely to you and your growth and to help me decide if you are right for the program.

I'm Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist, Weight Loss Expert and your host of Weight Loss Without Dieting.

If you are interested in working with me, I recommend you join my Waitlist and be the first to know when spots open: bit.ly/callwaitlist 


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