13. Throwing Food Away

This is a topic my clients have asked me to cover countless times Its a cultural thing that is driven into us when we are young- throwing food away is unacceptable Many of us were raised in the clean plate club. Sometimes before you can have dessert so you are eating just so you can get to the reward You must finish everything you were given because there are starving people in the world! Waste not, want not. If you don’t finish your food, you are ungrateful for what was provided for you… This idea that throwing food away is wasting money  If you are interested in working with me, you need to join my client wait list by visiting: https://bit.ly/callwaitlist

I'm Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist, Weight Loss Expert and your host of Weight Loss Without Dieting.

If you are interested in working with me, I recommend you join my Waitlist and be the first to know when spots open: bit.ly/callwaitlist 


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