18. Weight Loss Doesn't Have to Be Miserable

If you are interested in working with me, join the waitlist and be the first to know when spots open up: bit.ly/callwaitlist Weight loss can feel like a chore We come into it from this place of frustration, feeling like we failed, like there is something wrong with us, like we want to try and lose weight but we don’t believe it will actually work We believe the journey will be painful, we will have to give up what we love. Eat things we hate. We will Suffer, oh the suffering. We will have to sweat in the gym, push our bodies, feel sore and embarrassed and unathletic We will probably lose some weight but we will never feel like tis here to stay, we will constantly be worried its going to come back. We live in fear and doubt, guilt and shame, regret and overwhelm It feels like we are being overstimulated from every aspect of it; is this food good, bad or fattening? Am I doing it right? And all the while we feel totally out of control, we are going through so much guesswork and overstimulation that we are desiring to eat more and more to help calm everything down. Food becomes the center of it all and we are more out of control than we were when we started In this episode i want to talk about the alternative, how your journey can look and feel. How my clients journey looks and feels What I want you to take away from this episode is that you can be excited to lose weight. What about watching the number on the scale go down, buying new clothes, throwing away clothes that don’t fit, getting your confidence back, feeling sexy again, putting on a swim suit this summer, getting your energy back is not fun and exciting? When you go into something feeling worried, and frustrated and doubtful, you will get that back out of it. When you go in feeling excited and knowing that with the right tools you are going to crush it, that you are committed to your result…that’s what you get out of it What i want is to get on the phone with you, for you to come to me and say i am so freaking excited to lose weight, i just need you to show me the way. So i am 6.5m pregnant right now and i am so excited to lose weight after I give birth. It does not feel like a chore, it doesn’t feel scary or overwhelming, I feel confident, excited. You guys, I haven’t even gained that much weight outside of extra fluid, a placenta and baby…. And I am so freaking excited to start seeing the scale go down. I cannot wait to fit into my clothes again. To look in the mirror and be like hell yes. I am excited even to buckle down on what I am eating if needed after I get birth- to be even more checked into what I am eating than I already am. Because that is such a wonderful feeling, to honor my body, to feel in control, to know the food I just said no to is going to further my weight loss… I can’t wait to learn more about my body, hunger and watch how I will lose the weight. One thing that being pregnant has really driven home for me is how much I love my body and what it is capable of. I have so much gratitude and respect for it. And i say that knowing how cheesy it sounds, but I think we often overlook how we talk to ourselves about our bodies. How are you talking to yourself about your body? Are you annoyed with it? Blaming it? Telling yourself something is wrong with it? This will not get you the result you want To lose weight start finding ways to appreciate your body; what this does is put you in control- you and your body are doing this together, it is not you VS your body. You are on the same team! Unite, take control, move on What your weight loss journey can look like Excited Making a deeper connection with yourself and your body: learning about yourself Watching the scale go down is fun Buying new clothes and throwing away old clothes is fun Seeing yourself transform from being out of control and overwhelmed to in control and confident is going to give you freedom you didn’t know possible You learn tools that will serve you in ways other than weight loss Get out of the mental drama Confidence and peace around tempting foods Rebekahs story: she bought this pair of yoga pants and was so excited to wear them. Then her weight loss plateaued. But the incredible thing was she stayed in her space of believing she was doing it, knowing she could do it, and excited to be on the journey. She didn’t let go of that, she looked at the pants every morning when she weighed in and never let the fact that she was weighing in at the same weight for a few weeks tamper her excitement to fit in the pants. And guess what? She got through the plateau, she lost the weight because she held her belief that it was fun and she could do it. What are the takeaways for them? Here is how to do that: Mindset: what are your thoughts about weight loss, what could they be? What can you think to get yourself excited about the journey?

I'm Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist, Weight Loss Expert and your host of Weight Loss Without Dieting.

If you are interested in working with me, I recommend you join my Waitlist and be the first to know when spots open: bit.ly/callwaitlist 


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