19. 3 Emotions You Must Use to Lose Weight

Top 3 emotions to use for weight loss If you are interested in working with me, join the waitlist and be the first to know when spots open up: bit.ly/callwaitlist We often think actions are what we need to lose weight…another to do list if you will. If i just do this, find the right diet, go to the gym, never eat sugar again then i can lose weight. But how many times have you done that before…and how many times has it worked. The reason this doesn't work is there is a step you have to align before actions, your emotions. Emotions drive actions. If you're feeling worried, overwhelmed, doubtful and you give yourself the do list i just said, what do you think your odds of success with that will be? Today we are going to talk about the emotions that drive weight loss success No actions necessary…why? Because when your emotions are aligned, the actions that will help you lose weight fall into place naturally… you don't have to do anything but focus on creating the right emotions for yourself each day. I’m going to share with you the 3 emotions I teach my clients to use when losing weight, I call them the 3 c’s. They are calm, confidence and certainty One thing to notice about all of these; they are baseline frequencies. When we think of excitement or motivation, doubt or worry, those have a lot more energy behind them, a lot more movement. It is great to feel excited and motivated, but often they don't create consistent action. They may even create something like cut out sugar and start crossfit even though you haven't worked out in years and then within a month you are burnt out. Worry and doubt also have more vibration but they create actions that result in not losing weight, they keep you stuck. When i work with clients we really focus on these sustainable emotions, emotions that future us use, the us that already has the result doesn’t feel excited or motivated, they don’t feel doubt or worry. They are calm, confident and certain Calm The opposite of doubt and worry and overwhelm, sense of peace and presence in body Steady and consistent action forward toward goal Taking action even when result is scale going up- never reacting to negative results- even when you overate yesterday, even when you have you have a big party coming up. pendulum thing What i use when i know cravings are coming up I know what is to come and I am here for it, i am present in my body, i can be present with whatever comes up, no matter what the scale says i am moving forward Confidence Connie’s story: confidence in my program and her ability to do it she lost about 70lbs, then she didn't lose weight and got in her head about it. We spent a coaching session getting her back to her confidence level. All that really happened with her weight was she lost her confidence for a week or two, she was focused on worry and doubt. We create confidence by finding our ability to believe in ourselves I've done this before, i know what to do, i have the right guidance, i can do this, i'm the perfect person to do this, this program was made for me So much steadier than motivation and excitement Certainty Rebekkahs story: she lost weight and then hit a plateau. When we coached on it she was like I am certain i can do this, it is just a matter of time. The result on the scale, even if she was eating off plan, did not shake her certainty that she was going to lose the weight. And guess what? She lost the weight, got out of the plateau. Certainty is believing it even though the result does not exist yet. Believing this is going to happen, you are going to create it even when you eat something off plan, even when the scale goes up, even when you binged last night. This is powerful! Believing you will lose weight is essentially the number 1 most important precursor to you actually losing weight. Throw away your to do list and focus on creating these emotions each day. Be aware of when you aren't creating them, of when a result is throwing you off them, of when you get into doubt or overwhelm

I'm Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist, Weight Loss Expert and your host of Weight Loss Without Dieting.

If you are interested in working with me, I recommend you join my Waitlist and be the first to know when spots open: bit.ly/callwaitlist 


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