22. Weight Loss and Diet Advice Overwhelm

Hayley Sohn here, nutritionist and Weight Loss expert and today we are talking about diet advice overwhelm and confusion! if you are stuck in the confusion of what to eat because you have tried a lot of diets before, worked with nutritionists before and you just don’t know wher to begin and you feel bombarded by the advice out there, this episode is for you This is so common It’s so common that me, as a nutritionist, has experienced it. When i was trying to lose weight I got myself so confused to with advice from other people about what to eat, what diet to follow, i forgot that i freaking know… Now, i don’t tell my clients what to eat. I don’t tell them to restrict, or deprive or eat this list of foods I provide them. I let them and their bodies figure this out, and that’s waht I want for you. I actually had someone tell me “National Geographic said Breakfast should be my biggest meal, so I eat it even though i’m not hungry” One of my clients who had tried a lot of diets said she not only felt confused but like trying to figure out what to eat was overstimulating, overwhelming- can I have a banana? One diet said it was good and one said it was bad The problem You can literally get diet and weight loss advice anywhere now…we are bombarded by it from every angle all day long If you have tried many different diets than you have certainly adopted a lot of different ways of eating, foods to avoid, foods to substitute, calories or macros to count When we are confused and in this place of overwhelm it is really easy to just say F it i am going to eat the junk. The healthy foods have confused me so i’m going for the junk. The dopamine driven part of your brain capitalizes on the confusion and you end up eating worse. Not to mention, so much of your brain power is focussed on food. You are thinking about it all the time, this is going to increase your overal desire to eat, the amount of cravings you’re having. When what we want is to get your brain to a place where it is quiet You get focused on the foods and really step out of: What foods do i actually like What foods actually feel good for me? Many of you may not know the answer to either of those questions anymore…. We are so disconnected from our bodies and our bodies natural ability to regulate and so focused on someone else's ideas about what we should be eating that…..we lose the plot. We live in confusion and overwhelm instead of being able to lose weight The solution You need to get back to YOU Your bodies natural signals Foods you like A focus on how you want to feel physically over what list of foods or other persons opinion you are going to listen to Listening to your opinion! The reason i don’t tell people a diet to follow- there are a lot of reasons- but for here is because i want them and their bodies to take the lead on that Confusion is an emotion created by a thought- ask yourself what the thoughts are creating the confusion. The banana example: this diet said bananas are bad and this said they are good and I just don’t know what to do Take this to: I am going to ask myself for input in bananas, do i like bananas? Do they fit into my day? Do bananas leave me feeling good? Do i want bananas to be a part of my life and my weight loss journey? When the confusion comes up, its over other peoples differing opinions, just ask yourself…what is my opinion about this? Ultimately, weight loss is a lot less about what you eat but HOW you think about eating Are you listening to your bodies cues and using those to guide your food intake Are you able to allow cravings and not eat for them Are you able to reframe things that don’t serve you so you can keep moving forward Notice nowhere in there did I mention food…but these are the true things that lead to weight loss Your opinion is the only one that matters Ok that is it for me today, i know this will be so helpful for you. If you are interested in working with me you can join my waitlist and be the first to know when spots are available at bit.ly/callwaitlist


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