23. Where Your Motivation Went

Hi, Hayley Sohn here, nutritionist and Weight Loss expert and today we are talking about motivation to lose weight…where it goes! This is what I hear: I lost some weight years ago but since then I have just lost my motivation, i can’t get started again! So on todays episode we are going to dive into where your motivation goes, the GSR Cycle which is what I teach my clients, and how to get it back. When i explain the GSR cycle, likely if you currently have no motivation you are going to be like OMG that is me!! So this episode is going to be really helpful to get you motivated and moving again, get you unstuck Ok so I want to break this all down for you. What is motivation, Where does motivation come from Motivation is an emotion that we create with our thinking, with our mindset. We create motivation by thinking things like I cant wait to lose weight This is going to work Im so motivated to tackle this weight issue and get to the other side BUT being able to tap into thoughts like this can be completely cut off when we get into the GSR cycle…. So this is what happens: You start a diet with motivation You mess up, go off the diet for a day, week whatever And then you start beating yourself up over it Now suddenly you can’t get the motivation back to continue with the diet What is the GSR cycle and how does it affect motivation The GSR cycle is the guilt shame regret cycle We get into this when when we eat something we didn’t plan for, or something we didn’t want to eat and then go into beating ourselves up over it We tell ourselves a lot of things that create the emotions of guilt, shame and regret, and usually a lot of others like defeat, frustration, anger. But GSR are consistent so i focus on those for my clients What happens when we mentally beat ourselves up, tell ourselves that we shouldnt have done that, we should have known better, we should have done it different, whats wrong with me, ill nver break out of this, im a failure…it feels so shitty, and we are so stuck in those shitty feeling emotions that guess what, we eat to cover up those emotions! And ultimatley start the cycle over again! What I show my clients is a wheel that points from eating, to beating self up, to eating to beating self up. It is this perpetual cycle that we get stuck in And i am not talking about getting stuck for one day, or one week, which of course it can be short like that, but i am talking about years. A lot of times when i get on these calls with people who want to work with me, they have been stuck in this cycle for years! They tell me i just lost my motivation, and i usually ask ok, so when you lost it you were going along fine with a diet or some sort of weight loss program and you ate something off plan and started beating yourself up, they say yes that is what happened, and I know thye are still stuck in beating themselves up and eating to mask those shitty emotions So how do you get motivation back, how do you get out of the GSR cycle? This is what I teach my clients Motivation is created with your thinking. Which means you never need anything OUTSIDE of you to create motivation for you. You can do it by changing your thoughts! Here are some tips to get started if you feel stuck What mindset is blocking you from feeling motivation? What thoughts can you think right now that will create motivation for you, you can even apply this another area of your life if you are really not feeling it for weight loss. Maybe think about your career, or soemthing in your personal life you are motivated for, what thoughts created that motivation for you there? If when i said GSR cycle you were like yes that’s me, here is how to move forward and out of it First and foremost, being aware that this is where you are will help! Simply recognizing that no, there is nothing wrong with you, that you are simply eating to not experience the awful thoughts you are creating about yourself is key Second, ***need to check in with that video and write the tips here Ok guys, that is it for me today. I know this is going to help because it has helped so many clients of mine to simply move on from beating themselves up If you are interested in working with me you can join the waitlist and be the first to know when i am accepting clients at bit.ly/callwaitlist


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