24. Magic Weight Loss Solutions

If you are interested in working with me, please join my wait list and be the first to know when spots become available: bit.ly/callwaitlist Hi, i’m hayley sohn, nutritionist and weight loss expert and today we are talking about magic weight loss pills, weight loss miracles, foolproof weight loss solutions! By all of that i mean things like gastric bypass, and the Ozempic shot which you may have heard a lot about recently. I am going to preface this conversation by saying I am not a doctor and I am not telling you to not do either one of these things if your doctor recommended it. What i am going to share with you is real stories of people i have worked with, their experiences with them and my take on how they play a role in weight loss Ok so ozempic shot is the shot that is meant to help control blood sugar for diabetes but has recently become popular for weight loss. You may have heard about some celebrities using it, y9ou may have heard about your doctor or your friends using it! Gastric bypass, lap band, gastric sleeve, these are all surgeries that shrink the stomach so you literally cannot eat the same amount of food you have in the past. Both of these change your bodies physical ability to take in food. You literally can’t eat the same if you tried. You don’t have to change anything, you literally have to put in 0 effort and they will result in weight loss. You don’t have to diet, you don’t have to restrict, you get one of these and literally sit back and you will lose weight. I would literally be all for these if i was in a different space. 5 years ago when I was really struggling with my weight, when my cravings were out of control, i guarantee i would have figured out a way to get ozempic if it had been available. I was desperate and out of control. I thought I needed to delegate control of my food intake to someone or something else in order to fix it The problem with shots, surgeries and pills: You don’t have to change your brain or eating habits to lose weight You feel desperate and out of contro:l these are going to appeal to you and the problem with that is they give you this false idea that something outside of you can give you control and take away your desperation. It teaches you that you dont actually have control and you always have to seek out something else to get it This is not true! The story: Gastric bypass lady: I had a discovery call with a woman who had had gastric bypass. Although the surgery was intact, she had gained the weight back. How is that possible? Because the bypass altered her ability to take in food but made no change to her brain or habits. Her brain was literally in the same place as it was before the sugrgery, wanting to use food to help her deal with her emotions. And over time as she was able to restretch her stomach the weight started coming back. Because weight does not come from what we eat or how much, I mean literally, but behind that is our brain telling us we have to eat that to feel better and we need to eat more in order to numb out Ozempic people I work very closely with a physician who actually offers the very popular weight loss shot you hear celebrities talking about using and a ton of my clients have used the shot or are using the shot So you tell me, if the shot fixes your weight, why are they still coming to me to work on their brains? Because the shot simply alters the amount of food they can physically eat, it does not change their brain. They know that in order to keep the weight off when they are no longer using the shot they have to also focus on their brain! The solution The goal is mindset, not quick fixes Quick fixes are so appealing, there is no work required. And your brain truly does not want to do the work. The sign of a healthy brain is that it is very efficient and repeating itself over and over. The sign of a healthy human is that you are able to overcome that part of your brain that doesn’t want to do the work and do it anyway Mindset changes are work. I never tell anyone who wants to work with me that it won’t be work, it will be. What i do is break it down so it is simple and doable, and then you show up and put in the effort to make a lasting change in your brain Once you have made that change, you never go back. I see this in myself all the time, my clients talk about it all the time: now that I have implemented x,y,z i know I will nevr go back to my old ways. Again, your brain being efficient How do you create control and the opposite of desperation? So, if you feel out of control and desperate and you are thinking about one of these more drastic or expensive measures, how do you move forward? In control is something you can create with your mindset now. The reason you feel out of control is because you are repeating to yourself that you are out of control; you are looking for it in everything you do. You had a cookie when you said you wouldn’t, you ate all the dip and felt sick- op, look how out of control I am! Reframe: your brain is doing its best to be efficient and right now the toddler part of your brain is running the show. Of course you feel out of control! What can you think now that creates the feeling of in control? Create a plan, plan for the toddler to pop up and want to sabotage, neutrally evaluate how you are doing: whats working, what isn’t working, how do I move forward. Only focus on one step at a time: a great way to feel out of control again is to try and do too much at once. It’s one thing, its the next best thing and that is the only thing you need to do. Hire a professional who understands what is going on for you right now and has a process to help you change your brain and move forward. It will save you time and money


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