28. How to Say No to the Breakroom Cookies

If you want me to show you how to change your brain so you can experience lifelong effortless weight loss join the waitlist to work with me and be the first to find out when spots are open: bit.ly/callwaitlist HI, I’m Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and weight loss expert and host of this Podcast weight loss without dieting. On today’s episode we are talking about what to when there are cookies in teh breakroom. Of course what I mean by that is any time there is a really tempting food lying around, what do you do? I just love the analogy of the breakroom cookies- they are so unexpected. Your day is going great, you are on track, eating great and then you go into the breakroom and suddenly all you can think about is the cookies. What now? This is what I talk to my clients about as something that sets off your brain to start asking for the food, it’s a craving. But, it may register for you as you love cookies, you hit your afternoon slump, you wanted to destress…we can call this desire to eat something that we don’t actually want to eat a lot of things, here we call it a craving


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