32. 3 Secrets to Starting Today Instead of Monday

Hi, I'm Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. Make a plan: what do you do when you want to get to the gym? You pack your gym bag, you set your alarm 30min earlier, you plan for it. So, why aren’t you planning to eat healthy in the same way? Stop telling yourself that there won’t be temptation today or that you will magically be able to handle it differently, there will be and you won’t. Plan for temptation, plan your healthy dinner, plan how you will handle Netflix and chill WITHOUT a pint of ice cream. I actually created a plan for you: https://bit.ly/hayleysohnplan Slow the pendulum….When a pendulum is released, it swings equally in the opposite direction; you are seeing this play out when you react to your overeating with restricting, and in turn overeat because you restricted. Viscous and unnecessary cycle. Whatever you ate yesterday cannot be undone today; the best thing you can do today is let your body take the lead and tell you when it’s ready for fuel. Love cookies? Fantastic, PLAN TO EAT THEM! When you plan for indulgences you get to enjoy them instead of guiltily eating them on the sly (did you taste even one bite of those 12 Oreo’s you ate last night?). These are the principles my clients learn inside my proven weight loss program. Implementing these things allows them to stop thinking about food all the time, to stop beating themselves up over what they ate yesterday, to actually enjoy chocolate again without guilt. Anne lost 4lbs her first week and said “I am just not thinking about food anymore.” Lucy lost 19lbs in 2 weeks and says “it’s just easy and effortless now.” Connie lost 80lbs in 8m and says “this is the first thing I’ve done for weight loss that makes sense.” Get expert coaching in a proven program and free your mind, get back into your clothes and experience freedom with food. Join me in my Brain Training Weight Loss Program NOW bit.ly/hayleysohn


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