34. "I Should Know Better" is Preventing You From Losing Weight

Hi I’m Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach “I should know better” One of the top reasons people decide not to work with me….because they think they should know better This seems so obvious, like of course i shouldnt be eating these foods so it should be easy to stop. But it isn’t easy to stop Or you would have stopped I felt like a fraud at one point in my career. I knew better but still it didnt help me not eat foods I knew wouldn’t help me lose weight. Here’s why it isn’t easy: Youre brain is primed for the pleasure, like pavlovs dogs. It will do what it takes to get that dopamine No amount of “knowing you shouldn’t be doing it” will prevent you from doing it. The work is deeper than knowing the problem. Diets do not teach what you need to know in order to get in control and stop eating things you know you shouldn’t. Diets don’t go to the source of the problem, your brain. If you’re done dieting, come work with me. Join my Brain Training Weight Loss program now by going to bit.ly/hayleysohn


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