37. 3 Reasons to Brain Train for Weight Loss Instead of Dieting

1. Fast results. We think the crash diet will get us the fastest results because isn’t all that mindset stuff a lot of work with no payoff? Wrong! When you have a proven system in a structured program you can see results fast. Most of my clients lose 1-5LBS their first week and 10LBS in 15-30 days. And the difference is the crash diet feels awful while brain training feels effortless. 2. Long term results. Yes, you might drop 20lbs in a month with the bone birth diet, but then what? How do you move on from that without gaining all that weight back? The truth is YOU DONT. That weight is coming back and then some. With brain training though you lose 10LBS in a month- it feels amazing and your brain is actually in a new place. It’s not talking to you about food as much, you don’t need a family sized bag of chips to deal with your stressful day anymore. And you keep building on that. A year of brain training makes you a new person while a year of dieting just deepens your bad relationship with food. 3. Freedom around food. Here’s the difference between brain training and dieting: if you are standing in front of a buffet of all your favorite foods on a diet it will feel miserable. You will use every ounce of willpower to try and not eat the food while at the same time wanting to eat all of it. Do it with brain training though and you can have a bite of this or that, really enjoy it and just walk away and not think about it. It’s easy and effortless. You are free. You have a clean relationship with food.


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