41. 11 Things Preventing you From Losing 10 Pounds in 30 Days

Hi, I'm Hayley Sohn Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. If you are interested in working with me click here: https://www.basicallyitmeals.com/Homepage Not checking in with yourself daily, your thought around food: the fastest way to get off track is not checking in daily. When you check out your brain just falls back into its old habits. Take 5mins each morning to see where your mindset is. You might be beating yourself up for the weekend and not realize until you take a minute to check in. Telling yourself the day or week is already blown because you had one unplanned thing: the quickest way to recover from eating something you didn’t want to is to allow your body to reset. The knee jerk reaction to this is to bury our guilt with more food which is a vicious cycle that you can get stuck in Not planning ahead: your brain has the ability to plan and this is how you break out of unconscious food decisions that are keeping you stuck Not weighing in everyday: the scale is not making you feel bad about yourself- your mindset is! The scale is a tool to show you what’s working and what isn’t working about your diet and mindset. Don’t use it as an excuse to beat yourself up Not listening to your bodies signals: your body has all the wisdom to help you weigh what you want, but we are so tuned out. You can start listening by tuning in to hunger and satiety cues. Telling yourself that you won’t overeat tonight even though you have been forever: we think “today will be different”, but the part of your brain wanting pleasure from food will have other plans. It’s going to send you the signal to eat whether you want to or not. Preparing for that signal to come is step one to overcoming it altogether Planning to be perfect, no indulgences. Weight loss, loving your body and having an effortless relationship with food is not about being perfect, it’s about actually enjoying chocolate instead of feeling like you have to sneak it. Being present with delicious food and eating it behind your back are two very different experiences- one allows you to weigh what you want and the other keeps you stuck Blaming your husband or kids: no one is responsible for what goes in your mouth other than you. Yes, your husband may love to buy potato chips and your kids might only want to eat Mac n cheese which is even more reason to get your mindset in check Blaming your age, hormones or metabolism: certainly any of these can play a role in weight loss, but don’t give them the power and responsibility of your weight. Listening to your body and focusing on your mindset have a huge impact on weight no matter what your age, hormones or metabolism are Telling yourself you failed before so this won’t work: diets fail because they miss the true reason why we’re overweight, not because you didn’t have enough willpower to lose weight. Focus on your mindset and feel how everything shifts Not looking at each success and failure in your journey as a learning experience: success shows you what to practice more of, failure shows you what to watch out for, what you want to stop practicing. Just like if you’re learning a sport or instrument. The fastest way to lose weight is to use each of these constructively, not against yourself.


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