42. #1 Tip to Recover Monday After a Weekend of Overeating

Hi, I’m Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. If you want to lose 30 pounds or more in my proven program, join me here: https://www.basicallyitmeals.com/ What you’re doing now: Pendulum Vicious cycle youre stuck in Reacting and crash dieting What your body wants Time and space to recover You give it that by not eating, just drinking water What you want Peace with food Calm, quiet effortless The more you stay in this cycle of reacting to overeating by trying to fix it, the more you stay out of calm and quiet…the more you perpetuate no quiet #1 tip: Wait until your body tells you it is ready to fuel Essentially do nothing until you get a signal it is ready This is practicing that calm and quiet relationship trouble shooting Your brain will probably ne talkin to you about food Journal Say these thoughts out loud to see how ridiculous they are Strong false hunger signals Water Coconut oil Emotional support Practice feeling calm


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