43. 5 Tips to Lose The Baby Weight

5 things to do to lose weight postpartum Give yourself time: Wait until you are ready physically and mentally to start focussing on your weight. If you aren’t getting tons of sleep, you are still feeling really off don’t jump into this. I kind of thought i would be wanting to go the minute the baby popped out but it was at least 6 weeks before I was ready to put my focus on things other than my baby and recovering Don’t go into it with a timeline Starting to early may actually have the opposite effect, backfire You can lose this weight at anytime, even if that means waiting a year Stop listening to other people! Everyone has an opinion, a story about losing weight after having a baby. You are going to get more advice and opinions than you ever wanted. If you let it these opinions will become your reality I had one person tell me i wouldn’t be able to lose the weight until i was done breastfeeding. I started worrying about that one…but i caught it and decided hey, I could run into some hormonal issues in this and struggle, but i will handle that when i get there. For now, i am going to go into this with a clean slate and be intentional about how i want this be for me When you take on these stories as facts they become your reality Create your story with intention: how do you want this to look for you? This is no ones journey but yours, don’t let them write it for you! Ask good questions Why do i want to lose this weight? How will i handle setbacks Why do i want to lose weight more than i want to use food to help me manage stress This was a relly helpful one for me when i felt overwhelmed, had a crying baby Start listening to your body! The brain body connection is a big part of what I help my clients do: that is the ability to listen to your bodies natural signals and that’s part of what is important post partum But this really goes deeper than taht. You need to listen to when you feel right, your hormones feel right, you feel physically ready I had a client who is about a year postpartum and was struggling with her weight, and is a healthy eater. She said to me multiple times im not sure you can help me. But this was the missing peice for her. She realized she was just eating because it was time, she really wasn’t paying that much attention and she actually ended up losing 8lbs in two week and dropping a pants size. Water This is not mindset, obviously, but it was something i struggled with when i was laid up in bed with a cluster feeding baby, or when i could barely walk for a week You have to be hydrated to rebuild and repair, to make milk, to burn fat for fuel, to fush out everything your body needs to flush out, to sleep well. To balance hormones, Its so important for you to remember Protein Again, not mindset, but your body has been through so much physically it needs to rebuild and repair and protein helps to do that Protein is also the most satiating of nutrients and can help you feel ready to lose weight If you are struggling with to lose weight, feel stuck, unmotivated. If you are in postpartum and feeling confused about losing weight, wanting to ditch the stress of dieting coem work with me. basicallyitmeals.com


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