44. Effortless Weight Loss

Hi, I’m Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach. Come work with me: basicallyitmeals.com One of the top things people tell me they want in their weight loss, because what you have been doing feels so hard, like such a struggle. In this episode i will walk you through how to achieve weight loss that feels effortless with one really simple tip Aligning your thoughts with the feeling you want to have: effortless is an emotion. It will be created by what you’re thinking. How that works: thought to emotion Action is after both of these What emotion is Not just for feeling people Important because we take action from the emotion we experience If you can’t find it, take one emotion you think you know. Quiet, start asking yourself questions about what you feel in your body and where, how it feels etc This is where you are now and why Pressure, stress, willpower A lot of action Yo uneven feel good about it, it’s always a struggle Your results are mixed- scale is up and down This is how you get to effortless Believing its easy for you, this is just who you are now. You don’t feel like you really have to do anything Aligning your But there is one thing you can do that can pretty easily get you thinking those effortless thoughts without really working at them Reconnecting your brain and body What this is Being able to listen to your bodies natural signals Why it’s important It is your bodies built in guide for how much and what foods to eat This is why i always say your bodies information is more important than what i have to say about what you should eat Cecily going from i don’t think this will work i eat really clean Lucy saying she wasn’t sure what she was doing Building new habits by looking at what you’re doing that doesn’t work and what you want to practice more of Jackie’s story: feeling stuck/scale up and down/wanting effortless, finding what was keeping her stuck, deciding what she was going to practice during that time. Super simple, just one thing to move the needle If you want to feel effortless while you watch the number on the scale go down, know that it is completely possible for you, even though it may seems far off now, that is only because you have practiced the opposite of this to lose weight in the past. Come work with me, experience weight loss that feels totally different.


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