45. How to Increase Your Desire to Lose Weight

Hi, I’m Hayley Sohn Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. You want to work with me? Join my program now: basicallyitmeals.com How can we 10x desire to be thin and lose weight over desire to honor the excitement you feel when you have a craving? The real difference between you being overweight and you being thin and weighing what you want is your thoughts about food. In the moment when your brain tells you to eat something you don’t have enough really great reasons why you want to lose weight to outweigh that desire to eat… Right now, you are putting more value on honoring your cravings than you are on honoring your desire to be thin If you don’t have strong reasons why you want to lose weight backing you up on this journey it is really easy to fall into the now…why say no to cookies that will be amazing now in order to get something you don’t have, that seems impossible, that you haven’t been able to do before? So i have this client who was struggling with this. She wanted to lose weight, feel good, feel freedom around food- be able to go a buffet and feel certain and in control- wear a bikini on spring break with her kids…but she was also struggling to stay on track. Her kids wanted to go to the drivethru, the brownies just looked really good, it’s the weekend so F it. So this is something we worked on, let’s increase your desire to lose weight. Let’s find all the reasons why you really want to. So that’s what I am going to take you through now in this episode. You have thoughts that surround food that are not supporting your weight loss. It might sound like this for you: This will taste so good This will make me feel better I deserve it Eating this isn’t a big deal This won’t make you gain weight Its a special occasion so i can eat what I want I love this food so much This food makes me feel better I don’t know what I will do if I don’t have this food/pleasure in my life Here are some ways to increase your desire to lose weight over wanting to eat the thing Make a list of reasons why you want to lose weight Make a list of reasons why weighing what you want is more desirable than foods you crave Make a list of reasons why you don’t want to eat junk: how does it feel in your body, the cycle it puts you in Work on establishing your brain body connection Create an action plan that is backed up by a T and F plan. How do you need to be thinking and feeling in the moment when you brain starts talking to you about eating the brownies? Make a list of what you are willing to sacrifice to hit your goal. What foods do you actually just not like as much as you thought? Are you willing to feel hunger? How much? Are you willing to say no here and choose to have it here? Visualization Write what you want in detail, engaging all 5 senses. As you include more sensory images, your vision will become more palpable. And you'll be more motivated to follow through to make the outcome happen. Keep adding to the details until it feels as if you are living the experience. Imagine the emotion attached to the outcome. The more you can feel what it'll be like to accomplish the goal, the more you'll believe it can be attained. And the more likely you'll be to act. Take action every day toward your desired outcome. Accept that there will be setbacks. Close your eyes and imagine how you'll deal with the setbacks as they come and continue forward toward your goal. Expand your knowledge. If more knowledge is required, research, talk to experts. Take a class. Use that knowledge to further detail your vision statement and the steps that you have to take to get there. Make time to consider your visualization. Visualize twice daily for a total of 10 minutes. It’s most effective in the moments you wake and the moments just before you go to sleep. This will help engage the subconscious in your focused effort toward your desired outcome. Close your eyes and imagine the desired outcome. With all related senses and all emotions. Write your desired outcome as if it's true in the present day on an index card. Read it in the morning and at night. Create a vision board and have it in your line of sight. See it as you go to bed.


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