46. You Are One Thought Away From Losing 10 Pounds

My names Hayley Sohn and I’m a nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach Come work with me in my proven weight loss program: basicallyitmeals.com “ I don’t know how i did it, but it was so easy and felt so good!” My client wants to be able to lose weight while living her life. She goes out a lot with family and friends and what we found was she was in this cycle of worrying about eating out, getting there and telling herself she couldn’t have any of what was being offered, feeling frustrated and then basically saying f it out of frustration and overeating whatever she wanted. It felt like a constant battle, it was exhausting And then she went out had a totally different experience She didn’t overeati, she got a modest plate and it was easy and effortless and she felt really good about it She enjoyed herself, lived her life, scale went down…. And she brought this to me and was like I don’t know how i did that So we broke it all down, this is what you were doing that wasn’t working. We don’t want to practice that anymore This is what you did this time that creating these effortless actions for you and that is what we do want to practice. So here’s what her thought process was that allowed her to enjoy all the things and feel great and lose weight No matter what is at the event I can make it work for me Which gave her confidence It eliminated the worry and frustration She was able to easily have a plate of foods she enjoyed and also felt good about She lost weight One thought Once you find it- you practice it How do you find your one thought? Here are my simple steps: You have to believe it now. The feeling your thought creates needs to be powerful for you 3 C’s You can also start with the feeling Picture the actions you want to take…now take it backwards: what thought or feeling will help you effortlessly take those actions


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Two Step

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