50. Losing 10 Pounds- 3 Essentials

3 essentials for losing 10lbs These are 3 must haves when it comes to losing 10lbs. They are the cornerstones of my weight loss program You will notice none of them have to do with dieting. No counting, measuring, points, macros, specific foods. ANd this still works. Works better in fact. You might feel right now like you can’t trust yourself. Like you need outside force to lose weight. It’s why you keep looking for the next diet, the next trainer, the next weight loss shot. But what you really need are these 3 things Brain body connection Your body is sending you signals all the time, you don’t know how to listen. In face of the information being passed between your brain and body: 80% is coming from your body to your brain, not the other way around. You forgot how to listen because that voice in your mind is overpowering! You need to/have to learn how to stop listening to that voice and start listening to the wisdom of you body How can they do this at home? Here’s how you can get started at home before you join my program: deep breathing. In for the count of 8, hold for 4, out for 10 Mindset It’s not the actions you take, it is the sentences in your brain and the emotions they cause that drive your actions Simply saying you are going to take this list actions without looking at what you are currently thinking and feeling or what thoughts and emotions will drive those specific actions (how we lose weight now) will result in you using a lot of willpower to lose and feeling exhausted Planning indulgences A lot of times when we are wanting to lose weight we think it has to look perfect, no sugar, no flour, whatever it is. But you also want to live your life. Which means you need to plan to live your life. How will you strike a weight loss balance when you are living your life? Begin by looking at your calendar: have a dinner out coming up? What is one thing you would like to enjoy during that meal that is a bit of an indulgence, something you might deny yourself if you’re trying to lose weight. Now tell yourself you are eating that thing. You’re not going free for all and eating all the inudlgences because you are having one, you are simply having that thing and you are going to enjoy it to the fullest. Really slow down, taste it. A lot of times we eat indulgences super fast because we have this mindset that it’s not allowed, we have to sneak it, and this is the last time we’ll ever eat it so eat all of it. Planning ahead is being an adult about it. You are choosing to have this, not sneaking it. Ok, that’s our time. Hi, my name is Hayley Sohn and I am a Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. I teach my clients how to lose 10lbs in 30 days without dieting by wiring their brain to eat less. Come work with me: basicallyitmeals.com


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