51. What I Eat In a Day to Lose 10 Pounds- Mindset Version

What i eat in a day to lose 10lbs in a month- mindset version Basically all the thoughts and feelings i use to drive action and get result Hi, my name is Hayley Sohn and I am a Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. I teach my clients how to lose 10lbs in 30 days without dieting by wiring their brain to eat less. Come work with me: basicallyitmeals.com Ok i got this idea from the very popular “what I eat in a day” posts you see everywhere, thought it would be fun However… this is going to be a little bit different because you know I am mindset focussed, not diet focussed so we are going to go through what my daily mindset in a day when I am losing weight is that causes me to take certain eating actions and results in weight loss is Losing weight as a whole is something I love. It feels amazing; easy and effortless. I still eat what I want, I don’t cut anything out. When i go to lose weight it looks completely different from how others lose weight. Mindset is: thought → emotion → action → result I focus on thought and emotion and action falls naturally in line I don’t focus on a specific diet, macros, points, calories, going to the gym or someone elses advice about what I should be doing. I don’t focus on actions at all, like typical diets do All of the actions I take, which is what most others focus all their attention on, actions, are completely dictated by what I am intentionally thinking about. Therefore, my actions are effortless, not forced. I lose weight utilizing specific thoughts that create specific emotions. Right now you might be using willpower, pressure, stress and you feel out of control, exhausted, frustrated, doubtful and overwhelmed When I lose weight I feel confident, relaxed, calm, and present What i mindset in a day: When I am losing weight i focus on thoughts that create specific emotions for me: confidence, calm and certainty My Models for weight loss I know how to lose weight Confidence The weight will come off quickly and easily as I slow down to listen Certainty I will lose weight as my body is ready to Calm The process of weight loss is about getting to know myself better Self love I want to lose weight Desire i am so excited to dive into it Excitement I love feeling good in my body as i lose weight Self love I love paying attention to my hunger and satiety Present I love the feeling of eating less Present When I think these things they create these specific emotions for me and from those emotions I take action. Here are the actions I take from these emotions Weigh in daily or weekly (depending on if I remember) I never stress over it or worry about it. It is a loose focus Make a plan daily Sometimes it is written down, sometimes it is in my mind and based on how my days normally look. I always recommend writing it down for my clients The plan focuses on my bodies natural signals for hunger and satiety and how I will utilize them to help my body tap into fat stores for weight loss. My daily plan includes: Get to a certain hunger level before eating and stop at a certain satiety level Focus on fats first thing in the morning, i usually put coconut oil in my coffee to balance my blood sugar and eliminate hormonal hunger Protein focussed lunch if i get to hunger level Dinner might be protein and vegetable or pizza, i adjust my satiety level depending on what I am eating dessert - I love chocolate, Perfect bars or popcorn Wine- have 2 glasses of wine 1-2 nights of the week Narrow down the junk foods I actually enjoy. Previously I used to just eat whatever junk I was craving in that moment or could get my hands on…then I realized I don’t actually like all junk food. So i started actually paying attention to what I like and don’t like. Plan to eat junk I never say I can’t have anything. Its all on the table even when I am loosing weight. When you say you can’t have it it becomes a point of focus…you obsess over it. Instead i focus on how my body feels and I plan to have my indulgences. That way I look forward to them, I enjoy them, there is no need to obsess over them Stick to the plan A big point of focus for me when I am losing weight is emotional eating/cravings. These are the times my brain is like “just eat the thing it will fix all of your problems” It is the handful of cereal as I put my husbands box away The three extra bites of dinner my stomach is too full for The tortilla chips eaten out of the bag when I am super stressed The crackers eaten mindlessly so I can check out for a minute How I focus on these productively is by knowing when they are coming and planning for them. When will they pop up today? How do i want to handle it when it does? Sometimes i choose to mindlessly eat even when I am losing weight!!!! And I simply make adjustments to my intake at other times The more I cut back on Mindless eating just to check out of an emotion, the more I can enjoy things I actually enjoy and actually enjoy them! Wine with cheese and crackers Milkshakes Peanut butter pretzels If you want help applying these mindset tools to your weight loss journey, join me and all my clients


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