52. 52 Weight Loss Lessons Learned

GET YOUR FREEBIE HERE: https://bit.ly/cravingsheet Focus on your brain, not the diet - episode 30, 6 ways to lose 4lbs in one week Weigh in daily - episode 30, 6 ways to lose 4lbs in one week If you pull a pendulum… you are in the cycle of restricting and overeating. You want to get the pendulum centered so there is no reacting and no fixing- from episode 27, get unstuck When you let go of restriction, you also let go of all the guilt you are creating around indulgences. - from episode 27, get unstuck Plan your indulgences - anonymous One thought can help you lose 10lbs…that’s all it takes. - 46. One thought away “No matter what is at the event I can make it work for me” Which gave her confidence It eliminated the worry and frustration - 46. You Are One Thought Away From Losing 10 Pounds Your affirmations arent working for you now because you don’t believe them - 47 affirmations The sign of a healthy brain is that it is very efficient and repeating itself over and over. The sign of a healthy human is that you are able to overcome that part of your brain that doesn’t want to do the work and do it anyway - 24 magic weight loss solutions Practice is everything, its why you are where you are and its how you get where you’re going - anonymous Ground yourself in the confidence that your body knows best - 36. Losing 10lbs in 30 Days After Having a Baby: My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey Doubt Stress Overwhelm Anxiety- These are some of the most common emotions that we eat to relieve, so be aware of them. What i teach my clients and what i did in this process was anticipate them and decide ahead of time how i would handle them - 36. Losing 10lbs in 30 Days After Having a Baby: My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey Other people’s opinions do not serve you - talked about in episode 35 and 36 about my pregnancy weight gain and loss story When you believe it is 100% your hormones, you start thinking: Whats one more bite I may as well because hormones, Nothing i do works so… And when i told her to just slow down, only focus on her bodies signals she realized she was eating way more than her body needed! - 36. Losing 10lbs in 30 days after having a baby Studies show that 80% of people who shed a significant portion of weight don’t keep it off for even one year when strictly dieting. They have made no change in their brain. - 1. How to lose weight without dieting You body has a natural ability to self regulate its weight and that is by the signals its sends you of when to eat and when not to eat - 4. Lose 5lbs one week Practice creating space between the urge to eat and food going in your mouth - 2. Cravings When you refuse to throw food away that you are no longer hungry for, you treat and utilize your body as the trash can instead. - 13. Throwing food away Focus on loving how you feel when you have hit satiety: One of my clients recently shared a story about being served some bread pudding. It was delicious, she had two bites and was finished. Her friend asked her if she was going to finish it and she said not, I am going to throw it away. Despite this person not loving that idea, she felt so good knowing she was doing this for her. - 13 throwing food away Another one my clients who often takes leftovers home from restaurants talked about regretting tossing them. She decided she had gotten all the enjoyment from that meal she was going to get. Her money was spent on the enjoyment she got, no matter how big the portion was. - 13 throwing food away Losing weight starts with tuning into thoughts and feelings to allow ourselves to get to a deeper awareness and understanding of WHY we eat. - angie Practice practice practice unlearning habits of thoughts and action that no longer serve us and then practice practice practice learning new thoughts, emotions and actions that will serve us. - angie 3. The journey to sustainable health doesn’t have to be hard, heavy, burdensome and shameful. This journey can be light, hopeful, joyful, playful and fun if we give ourselves permission to let it be that way. - angie Losing weight just to look good is a good enough reason - anonymous 3 emotions to lose weight: confidence - 19 Calm Certainty No amount of “knowing you shouldn’t be doing it” will prevent you from doing it. The work is deeper than knowing the problem. 34. I should know better is preventing you from losing weight Everything that you’ve tried before has been wrong: Diets don’t go to the source of the problem, your brain. 34. I should know better is preventing you from losing weight The diet industry does not promote any sort of brain/mind management around food. What they tell you is if you have a craving, if you are wanting to eat things that don;t serve you you either: Need to distract yourself, Get more willpower, OR substitute the craving for something healthier! What this does is teach your brain that when it asks for food, it gets food. Even if its not what it asked for, it got rewarded for asking It perpetuates your brain asking…constantly substituting cravings for something healthier does not make managing your cravings easier, it makes it more difficult! Ep 21. When substitutions work against you Weight loss can and should be enjoyable, not miserable. When you enjoy the process it can become a part of your life… ep 8 How to love losing weight If you want to lose weight just to look good that is 100% valid and a great reason to lose weight. Telling yourself that this reason isn’t good enough means you are waiting for another more valid reason to show up for you to lose weight. So what are you waiting for? A scary diagnosis? Don’t delay, wanting to look good is a great reason to start losing weight AND prevent disease associated with obesity. - ep 33 Wanting to look good Make room for all your true desires, a lot of times people say “i would love to lose 50lbs but 25 is probably more realistic”, don’t limit your belief in yourself because of doubt, or past failures, because you are scared to fail again, because you don’t think it’s possible to lose the weight you want, or you don’t think wanting to look good is enough- acknowledge all of that. 33 wanting to look good In many challenging social situations you are the one making it into something in your head, so you get to decide what everyone else is thinking (for the most part, probably nothing!) - 7- people judging you When you overeat the best thing to do is to wait until your body tells you it is ready to fuel again, don’t do anything else- 42 how to recover on a monday You want peace with food, but when you are practicing reacting to your diet you are not practicing peace… 42- how to recover on monday Prep them ahead of time: i forewarn my husband if he is cooking or wanting to go out to eat that I am not very hungry and I am not eat or eat that much. This helps to set that expectation for him. I may take a few bites and save the rest for later or offer to split something with him - 49 when your spouse wants to eat all the time If you are in weight loss that feels like a struggle, it’s because of your thinking - 44 effortless weight loss Effortless is an emotion created by your thoughts - 44 effortless weight loss You need to get back to YOU when it comes to weight loss, you are bombarded by other peoples opinions - 22 diet and weight loss overwhelm Ultimately, weight loss is a lot less about what you eat but HOW you think about eating - 22 diet and weight loss overwhelm We let one failure mean that we will not succeed at weight loss. Your past failure at weight loss has nothing to do with your potential to succeed at weight loss. What actually dictates your ability to succeed is your willingness to fail, learn and keep going… I was listening to a podcast where an athlete was talking about failing. She said I am not failure averse because i learned as an athlete the only way to become good, the only way to become great is by failing. You are going to fall, you are going to miss the ball, you are going to lose point after point and shot after shot and that is all part of it. It doesn’t mean anything about me as an athlete or my athletic ability. It means I am doing it right. She said as a coach the athletes with the most fear of failure get injured and quit, they are so scared to do it wrong they can’t handle it when they do it wrong. - 14 failing at weight loss The brain is elastic: it is ever changing and if you have the tools and a way to direct it you can change it. You can create new habits that aren’t driven by willpower and restriction. If you are going to help your brain change, permanently do something other than what you have been doing, you have to prepare to fail and you have to prepare to practice. This is how the brain changes- 14 Learn how to create emotions for yourself - 22 how to get unstuck Create from your future not from your past - 38. Lose weight faster with future you You need to know where you are now and where you want to go - 38 future you Focus on the real reason for the event - 9 travel and lose weight Decide your indulgences ahead of time - 9 travel and lose weight If you don’t plan to go to the gym, will you end up at the gym? Probably not - 32 start today instead of monday When you trust your body, you also don’t need someone else to tell you what to eat. I don’t need someone else telling me what to eat, i need to learn how to listen myself - anonymous There is a reason the scale went up, when you react you don’t identify that, there is no room for growth. - 11 when you gain weight If you eat healthy but don’t weigh what you want, you are eating too much fuel and you need to look at your brain.


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