55. Hangry- How Not to Overeat Every Time You Are Hungry

Hangry- how to handle it without eating everything My name is Hayley Sohn, I am a nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach specializing in helping women lose 30lbs in 90 days without dieting by eliminating emotional and stress eating. Work with me: basicallyitmeals.com Shout out to Ashley! She lost a pound in a week! Defined as Being irritable or angry due to hunger Is it a real thing? Low blood sugar My dad talking about playing 5hr of sports without food, very lean Nowhere in there was there anger… Angry is the result of a thought in you brain, by conscious or unconscious you do have control over it For most of us who have plenty of fuel on our bodies, two options Unbalance blood sugar- your body can’t tap into fat Hunger might come on without physical necessity It may feel strong Its your mindset around hungry You are feeling the physical sensation of hunger and having a lot of thoughts about it Those thoughts create angry, irritable, anxious, fear…whatever that might be The important thing to figure out is what is your hunger mindset? Here are two examples of mine When I got hangry on the bike ride Situation Thoughts i went into Action: Ate a lot of popcorn unnecessarily Result: What i learned from it The stadium hunger: What happened and how I handled it How is Hangry affecting your life? What is the result of feeling Hangry? C: feel hunger T: I can’t stand this, I need to eat now, this is not comfortable, I want to eat F: feel angry, anxious, irritable A: don’t make rational food decision, eat more than you are hungry for, eat fast, don’t listen to body, be rude to other people R: scale up, and you don’t learn how to have a better relationship with hunger When you can’t handle your hunger are you going to be able to lose weight? What to do about hangry Expect it Less fear More feeling prepared Make a plan for it How will you handle it when it happens When it comes: Deep breaths Be with it, not avoiding it Birthing class example Describe to yourself the physical sensations


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