56. Hard Weight Loss- how to make it easy

Does losing weight have to be hard? My name is Hayley Sohn, I am a nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach specializing in helping women lose 30lbs in 90 days without dieting by eliminating emotional and stress eating. Work with me: basicallyitmeals.com Shout out to ashley! She lost a pound in a week This was sparked by a conversation i had with my parents about my postpartum weight loss, and so many conversations I have had with you about what the process of losing weight looks like. I was at the pool with my baby and my parents the other day and they were saying you lost the weight so quickly, you don’t look like you just had a baby. How did you do it? Was it hard? I said no, i didn’t work hard to do it. It got me thinking about the idea of working hard to lose weight vs working confidently So many of us think- I know i have to work hard if i want to lose weight… But what if weight loss just feels natural and relaxed? So that’s what we are going to dive into today When weight loss is hard work You think in order to lose weight it has to be hard, a punishment of sorts, that you are going to struggle because you are used to or want to overindulge right now. The idea that you have to give up things you enjoy to lose weight and go to the gym and do things you don’t enjoy to get there… I want to point out that being overweight, overeating all the time, using food to manage your emotions is hard! You are already in the hard, why not make losing the weight something you enjoy! That is a mindset. T: i have to work hard, I am going to struggle, its not going to be fun or easy, i will have to sweat and deprive myself F: struggle, doubt, overwhelm, willpower, deprivation A: gym, restrict, cut out foods you like, eat super clean R: what do you learn when something is hard? What is the result of weight loss is hard? You can’t maintain it The process isn’t fun You dont enjoy it, you don’t show your brain that eating less can enjoyable You are pulling in two opposite directions The pendulum My postpartum weight loss journey I want to preface this by saying that i used to lose weight with “hard” I worked out like crazy I was super restrictive or diet mentality I was also very judgemental of others at times None of it was fun and none of it was successful….i was always working! I never could just relax and live my life I focussed on slowing down and listening to my body, an opportunity to reconnect, i was excited to do it, i committed to not using food to help me deal with stress or other emotions, working out was not a part of it, there was no specific diet a part of it although i did make decisions ahead of time and stick to them It was fun, exciting, self love, confidence, calm No sweat, no tears, no punishment I practiced patience with my body and always said if it doens’t feel right or if it feels like too much I will back off….but the way i lose weight and the way i teach my clients to lose weight never feels that way. It feels like slowing down to listen to your body and eat for those natural signals and releasing all the thoughts taht don’t serve you to feel good physically in your body So what can you do at home to release the hard and embrace the calm? What would weight loss look life for you if you used calm instead of willpower? Plan ahead today…follow through on those decisions. Reach out to me…i will show you the path! www.basicallyitmeals.com


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