62. Stop Shaming Yourself Into Weight Loss- Do This Instead
GET YOUR FREEBIE HERE: https://bit.ly/cravingsheet If you are the person who tells yourself you look terrible so you should lose weight, you need to be better, youre bad because of the food choices you make, you need to look better all in an effort to lose weight Many of us try to beat ourselves into weight loss What you practict you get more of You are practicing being mean to yourself, Put this into a model and what does it look like T: you look terrible you need to lose weight F: shame A: hide from yourself, dont pay attention to your mind/emotions, ignore yourself, eat without paying attention Practicng beating yourself up isn’t goint to suddenly lead you loving yourself and feeling happy Whatever you are doing now to lose weight is what you are going to have to continue to do to keep it off: how you get there is how you will be there Self fulfilling prophecy Telling yourself i just cant figure it out, i never keep it off, i always eat when i shouldn’t, i cant give up my netflix and snack habit…guess what? You are going to keep getting that How to turn it around, especially if you are using negative thoughts to keep lose weight How to begin being positive If you are negative now you can’t just jump to being positive, you need to just take one step at a time, go from negative to neutral How to drop your old habits Habits are the actions you take from the thoughts on repeat in your mind…to interrupt your habits, you must interrupt your mindset Its not 7 days or 21 days to break a habit, it’s discovering your mindset, and moving it forward When your mindset changes, your actions change and pretty effortlessly The one step you can take today Know wher you are now! Don’t hide from it Get out your journal and ask yourself what you are thinking about now that is causing you to eat. You will get good answers How can i shift this forward to be more neutral