72. Holiday Weight Loss Plan

https://www.basicallyitmeals.com/ What are they challenged by Holidays can totally derail weight loss efforts and send you into a negative mindset loop You feel bad so you keep eating and the eating makes you feel bad so you eat some more From october 30th to January 1 we end up eating Grocery store filled with goodies Weve got cookies stocked in our house The office is stocked with goodies We’re going to parties outside of actual holidays We are indulging a lot What we really want is to feel in control around the food. To be able to indulge without overdoing it, without obsessing about it. To enjoy some cookies and wine and not see the scale move This is possible I used to love and hate the holidays, it was exciting and worrisome I always had this question in my mind: am I going to blow it? Which made me feel uncertain and in turn i usually did blow it, then i would try to fix it with restriction, and when you don’t feel in control and yuo are trying to restrict to fix the fact that you overate…you are ultimately out of control and constantly selfsabotaging. You have no trust with yourself Now the holidays are exciting, but the food is not a focus of that excitement. It will be there for sure, it will bee great when i eat it, but i’m not thinking about ti otherwise Im not worried about it Im not worried about myself around it Im not worried about what the scale is going to say on January 2nd I know with 100% certainty that i will enjoy some cookies, i will enjoy some wine and the scale will not budge… What is success? In order to succeed this holiday season you need to decide what success is for you. Are you gaining weight, losing weight or staying the same? Make it a conscious choice instead of leaving it up in the air for january 2nd. This puts you in control! What do you want to reflect on on january 2nd as this was a wonderful holiday season? Here are some prompts: I enjoyed cookies, but i never felt regret or guilt because i oveerate them I was really present with my family during our gatherings I got to see some friends i don’t normally see and during those times i was focused on the friend and not on the food or how much i was and wasn’t eating I didn’t feel worried in between or leading up to a holiday gathering I was calm and confident between gatherings I felt in control at parties I felt free around food I was confident stepping on the scale I was excited to get dressed for parties How can you make it successful Based on what you want your weight to do: Create your success plan: Instead of just eating all the things any time they are available, ask yourself which items you love and want to enjoy and which items you are just eating because they are there but you could totally skip For me, i like chocolate chip cookies but I can really skip most other desserts. I like this one dip my aunt makes, and I love cheese and crackers, but most other dips and appetizers, like a bunch of fried items, I can totally go without I enjoy wine, but I hate having wine with desserts, that makes me feel like crap so I know it’s one or the other for me, or I may have like a bite of a cookie if I am having wine Everything else I am likely going to skip entirely Make a daily plan What does your week look like for parties/gatherings? Is there a party today I am going to be indulging at? What will i have and how much? How will i adjust the rest of my day so i can enjoy that thing and not be fuleing more than my body needs? What days will I stick with clean and not have an indulgence? What items are just around all the time and how do I want to think about them? Im scared i will eat it because its there vs I am in control and i am choosing not to have that thing today When you do want to eat something you ahven’t planned for how will you handle it? Just because you said today is clean doesn’t mean your brain wont tell you to eat something Handling it with calm and confidence vs scared, worried, doubtful


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