75. Eating Things You Don't Want To- Mindset Plan

GET YOUR FREEBIE HERE: https://bit.ly/cravingsheet To go along with today’s episode I created a freebie for you One thing almost everyone I talk to struggles with is eating things you don’t actually want to eat. You feel like the day is going great and then bam, breakroom cookies pop up. Or it’s 3pm and you are crushing chips and queso before they have to pick up the kids from school. OR you feel super out of control around tempting foods, or don’t realize they were eating until the entire bag of chips is gone. You think you are the problem, we need more willpower or to be more strict, but none of that actually works. So i created a worksheet to help you not only prepare for the unexpected moments like the breakroom cookies, but feel in control during even those times you haven’t been able to get in control of for years. GET YOUR FREEBIE HERE: https://bit.ly/cravingsheet Tell me if this sounds familiar… You wake up mad at yourself for whatever you ate last night You vow to do good today, to eat perfectly, to really diet hard today and fix it You look in the mirror and feel disgusted, embarrassed, ashamed You go to get dressed and hate your clothes, you wish you could fit back into those clothes in the back of your closet You get to work and you’re doing pretty good but then you see some snacks or you get stressed and just need some relief…and you really don’t know how to handle it By the end of the night you are eating chips on the couch, totally checked out You feel like you are sabotaging yourself, but really you need to proactively decide how you want to think for the day before it starts. How i teach my clients to do this is with a simple morning mindset check in. You are simply going to ask yourself a few key questions: Where is my mindset this morning? How am i thinking about myself, what i ate yesterday, what i should be eating today? How can i think about today to set myself up for success?


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