1. Frozen yogurt: While this can be a slightly healthier alternative to ice cream, that is what makes it dangerous! We tend to eat more when we know its "healthy-er". Keep your portion small and limit your toppings to one favorite!
2. Popcorn: I too am a fan of all the delicious popcorn flavors you can find everywhere nowadays, and while popcorn is far better than chips or pretzels, it can still be overdone. While popcorn's nutritional stats are decent, it goes down easy and by the handful. Topped with some artificial butter or cheese powder, it can pack a punch of calories without you even realizing it.
3. Peanut butter: Yes, a wonderfully healthy source of fats, fiber and protein, it is also very calorically dense and the serving size can disappear alongside crackers or veggie sticks with two bites. Portion it out ahead of time to be sure you know how much you are eating.
Ask the nutritionist!
Each week, we are doing #askthenutritionist, where we will answer your question of the week, and also take your questions for future editions!
This week's question: “My iron levels are low, should I be taking an iron supplement?”
The answer is not necessarily. There are a few reasons why your iron might be low and you may be able to make tweaks that allow you to bypass iron supplementation. If you have a heavy menstrual flow, you may consider an iron supplement around your time of the month (but no more! Heavy iron supplementation can reduce your absorption of iron from food).
It is also possible you have an issue with absorption in your gut. You may try a few things for this: cutting out gluten (super easy if you use a gluten-free meal service), drinking aloe vera juice, and taking a probiotic. A few dietary tweaks you can make to up your dietary iron include: steamed dark leafy greens (broccoli, spinach, sprouts), red meat, organ meats, and...
Unfortunately, those wrinkles you saw pop up last week, those aren't going anywhere.
Your body is aging...
All. The. Time.
That is science.
BUT it is preventable. We can slow it down, even reverse it, with a few small tweaks.
In this video I break down my 4 BEST TIPS to rewind and reverse aging, so you can look your best for a long long time.
This is actually one of my Facebook Live Wine About It that I do each week. I am there every Thursday at 5:30pm bringing you a nutrition tip that will give you fast results. Join me, won't you?! See you next Thursday!
Healthy food shouldn't feel like a punishment.
Yet, so often it tastes like one!
Why does healthy equal boring?
Plain chicken with steamed broccoli...
Raw cauliflower dipped in air...
Plain brown rice, hold the salt...
It doesn't have to be that way!
All of these enhance flavor while also enhancing health! It doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming, just delicious.
To learn more about how to cook healthy at home, check out the No-Diet Diet Club!
If you are in St Louis, click here to see about having your healthy meals delivered from our delicious kitchen!
You have to follow the diet that works for YOU!
Personally, I don't subscribe to any particular diet. Here is what I do...
Finding the best "diet" for me is an ever evolving journey! I love trying new things:
High fat
No snacks
Smaller meals
All of this experimenting helps me see what I like best and what fits best in my schedule.
I am constantly learning new things about my body and my health and how I can help my clients apply what I am learning!
What works for you?
This is what I know...
The best diet to follow is the one that works for you while helping you improve your health!
"Do I need to be following Paleo?"
"Is Keto the healthiest?"
"How do I know if I am eating the best diet for me?"
This "diet" is a way of life. It should be flexible to fit with your schedule.
It should serve you in improving your health, feeling good, having energy and looking the way you want to look.
You don't have to follow any diet that anyone else does, simply do what works best for YOU
You have to do what works for you, or nothing will work!
Pictured is the most delicious lunch I ate the other day.
This is a peak into how I balance my eating and what I eat on a typical day (although not all of this was typical, coughwinecough.)
Such a delicious lunch with tons of whole, plant foods- just the way I like it!
Local, #grassfed beef sliders
Seafood salad with avocado
Steak salad
Iced coffee
Wine, because #winenot ?!
What did you have for lunch?
Healthy is different for everyone!
Start by figuring out what kind of balance will work for you in your life.
What adjustments do you need to make to feel good and look the way you want?
I am strict in certain areas: no gluten, low sugar, no fast food.
I am loose in others: wine, cheese, gluten free pasta.
This balance allows me to feel good, enjoy my food and look the way I want
This balance works beautifully for me in my life, what will work for you?
50% Complete
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