Meal Prep Course! Don't miss this!

Ever wonder how anyone has time to scour the internet for healthy recipes, get the grocery shopping done, cook all the meals and still have time to help their kids with their homework?

The answer is some simple meal planning, which I am now doing for you for FREE from now until Thursday, April 30th. That's right, right now you can get A Month of Meal Times Made Simple FREE when you sign up for The Meal Prep Course!!

Not only will you learn how to be an expert in the kitchen, but
No more hour long searches for recipes
No more second guessing whether they're healthy
No more trying to figure out how it all fits together.

I am taking care of all of that for you!

This is a limited time offer, so sign up NOW for The Meal Prep Course and get four weeks of meal plans, recipes and grocery lists all done for you!

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The missing piece to your meal prep!

We are all meal prepping right now because that is one of the few options we have!!

It might feel like you're missing something, or you're not doing it right.....there really is a process behind the madness!

If you're struggling, my first suggestion would be to plan ahead!

  • Know exactly what you're going to make
  • Know exactly what you need to buy
  • Make enough time to get it all done, start to finish, in one go

My second suggestion is try The Meal Prep Course! I break down the full process, walk you through step by step, and then we get to cooking in the kitchen together! It is really incredible.

Click HERE to sign up!

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Take your power back!

TAKE THE POWER BACK! Your health is in your control, you can do this!!

There are so many incredible ways to empower yourself to live a healthier life:

  • Get outside and move your body
  • Learn a new skill (the brain loves a challenge, healthy mind = healthy body)
  • Take a cooking class
  • Stock your fridge with healthy ingredients
  • Do a brain puzzle
  • Work up a sweat
  • Connect with a friend
  • Read a book
  • Get creative

Use this time to better yourself, rather than waste it. You got this!

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How to Avoid Unhealthy Eating After Work

"I am sick and tired of getting home from work and ordering another pizza. Help!"

This is a comment I hear A LOT!! After a long day at work, who wants to cook? ‍Not me! However, your only option also is not a pizza. What you really need to do is have some forethought about your week and make a plan

Make a plan by:

A. Before you do anything, watch the video I made for you which details 5 items to keep in your house that will yield hundreds of easy meals! Click, 5 Must-Have Ingredients to watch! It is SO helpful!
B. Set aside some time to grocery shop and meal prep.
C. Try a meal delivery service like Basically It Meals!! It can be a lifesaver in these situations (coming from experience).
D. You may also want to look into meal guides to help you out! I have a great one for you to try, done for you meal guide.

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Seasonal Eating

When buying ingredients at the grocery store the thought of what products are actually in season doesn't cross most people's minds. But, eating seasonally is SOOO important for your health!!

Your body is programmed to eat what is growing around you based on the weather.

Choosing local farmers (try the farmers market!), shopping the seasonal produce (usually it's found in bulk and at great prices!), and basing your menus on what is in season (which is exactly how we build our menus!) is a crucial step in living a healthy life. :)

If you want delicious meals that have the best seasonal ingredients delivered right to your door sign up for Basically It Meals here!

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The coolest thing I learned in nutrition school

This was one of the coolest things I learned while I was getting my nutrition degree.

The colors in plants mark the nutrients they contain. We can literally color ourselves healthy by eating all these colors,

COLOR is how we nourish our bodies!! Whatever you're eating day in and day out, it should be full of COLOR!
The nutrients in our foods are marked by color
More color means more variety of nutrients
Colors mean anti-aging and anti-disease

Do you think this is as cool as I do?


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What diet should I follow?

You have to follow the diet that works for YOU!

Personally, I don't subscribe to any particular diet. Here is what I do...

Finding the best "diet" for me is an ever evolving journey! I love trying new things:
High fat
No snacks
Smaller meals

All of this experimenting helps me see what I like best and what fits best in my schedule.

I am constantly learning new things about my body and my health and how I can help my clients apply what I am learning!

What works for you?


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How can you get healthy-ER?

Healthy is different for everyone!

Start by figuring out what kind of balance will work for you in your life.

What adjustments do you need to make to feel good and look the way you want?


I am strict in certain areas: no gluten, low sugar, no fast food.
I am loose in others: wine, cheese, gluten free pasta.
This balance allows me to feel good, enjoy my food and look the way I want

This balance works beautifully for me in my life, what will work for you?


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